Long distance relationship


Breeze of love Part -4

Coincidentally K and she reached the board room at the same time and were greeted by the excited and ever-fresh siblings. After regular pleasantries, she heard him speak politely with authority and clarity. “We need to rearrange our work place. I don’t want us to be placed in different corners of the office, especially whenContinueContinue reading “Breeze of love Part -4”

Q for Question paper quivers and exam shivers..

Question paper quivers…Exam Chronicles. I am a severe Testophobic person whose mind gets disarrayed at the mention of the word called exam. Basically on the D day, my dysfunctional mind used to attract more anxiety. The college from which I got my Engineering degree was a major contributor of my insomnia.It had to be eitherContinueContinue reading “Q for Question paper quivers and exam shivers..”

F For Friends

F for Friends… Friends are people we meet outside the four walls of our comfort zone, our home. Friends can be crazy bunch of people who laugh with us for silliest things and become our partners in crime, matured set of people who teach us the sense of self respect and inspire us to advanceContinueContinue reading “F For Friends”

E for Extended Family

E For Extended Family When your vacations begin in an over populous home with random orders fired from all the directions, you do not need DSLR, Passport, Sunglasses and home theatre’s, to make a truckload of memories. The unacclaimed patience to repeat “Aah Haan ok ok” for all the miscellaneous instructions directed towards you, isContinueContinue reading “E for Extended Family”

C for Calcutta Chronicles

C For Calcutta Chronicles… Scintillating memories of long distance train journeys, are the most integral part of 1990’s childhood tales. When the journey is with the most lovable and fun loving friends, the memories are etched forever. One such page from my travel diary is Calcutta. As kids, the geography of the vacation was theContinueContinue reading “C for Calcutta Chronicles”

B for Bangalore days..

B for Bangalore days. A decade back, being a young adult (girl), pursuing dreams by staying away from family was flagrant disregard to the societal norms and myth. Having lofty dreams with inquisitiveness and quite a lot of impatience, I was able to convince my parents to send me off to Bangalore. PG is a placeContinueContinue reading “B for Bangalore days..”